Ringworm: Characteristics, Causes and Prevention

Ringworm: Characteristics, Causes and Prevention

Ringworm or ringworm is a common skin disease in tropical countries, especially Indonesia. Ringworm is not dangerous but itching causes daily activities very disturbing. Even worse, ringworm can be transmitted to people around the patient.

Characteristics as ringworm of a circle on the skin with red spots in the middle also interfere with performance.

Ringworm feature

First, a song or ringworm with simple, scaly, red skin. Finally a bump or scaly skin that turns into a protruding circle.

The conditions on the projecting part are generally different: there are still smooth skin, there are scaly, and some have red spots. Ringworm can appear on various parts of the skin, including the scalp.

causes ringworm
Unlike scabies caused by mites, ringworm is a surface infection of the skin caused by parasitic-like fungi. Ringworm is very contagious.

This process can be transmitted through contact with people, animals with ringworm fungus, objects used with itching, floors with fungus that cause ringworm.

You should consult a doctor if you have ringworm that has not healed for two weeks. mild ringworm can be treated with antifungal ointment.

You may need to use an anti-fungal ointment for two to four weeks to ensure that ringworm does not exist, the greater the return on ringworm fungus.

However, for severe cases of ringworm, you may need to take anti-fungal pills for several weeks.

Ways to Prevent Ringworm

Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection, but that does not mean ringworm cannot be prevented. Here are some ways to prevent ringworm that can be done are:
1. Always maintain cleanliness

You can do this by washing your hands with soap and wearing slippers in a public bathroom, dressing room or dressing room.

Personal hygiene is also important. Therefore, change socks and shave clothes. If you exercise properly wash your exercise equipment.

2. Keep skin dry and cool

Avoid excessive sweating by not using thick clothing in the long run, especially if you live in a warm and humid area.

3. Don't pay for personal items

Don't pay for personal items such as towels, shoes, clothes, etc. to others, especially to people with ringworm. Avoid driving things from other people, especially those who are bad people.

4. Avoid getting infected with Norris animals

Before touching an animal or pet, you must make sure the animal or animal is ringworm free of infection.

Ringworm infections in animals are usually visible parts of the skin that are not hairy, but sometimes signs of ringworm are not visible. Therefore, always consult a pet to the vet.

5. ask about Tinea disease

Fast ringworm transmission can be completed by giving correct information about ringworm to the people closest to you, especially children. You can tell how the characteristics of infection and transmission of ringworm.

Ringworm is not a deadly infection but a moth disorder has the right to be treated seriously. Consult your doctor immediately if ringworm is very annoying, does not cure, or worse.

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