Be Careful, 11 Signs of Pregnancy Danger Need to Watch Out for Pregnant Women

Be Careful, 11 Signs of Pregnancy Danger Need to Watch Out for Pregnant Women

Every pregnant woman would want her pregnancy to run smoothly. However, there is always the possibility of problems in pregnancy. These problems can even harm the mother and the fetus, such as fetal distress or preeclampsia.

The danger signs in pregnancy certainly need to be recognized and watch out for, so that your pregnancy process can go well. So, what are the danger signs of pregnancy that you should recognize?

Pregnancy danger signs that must be realized
There are several danger signs of pregnancy that can be identified on the body of pregnant women. Most of these signs are not difficult to recognize. Here are some of the possible danger signs of pregnancy:

  •     The fetus does not move or only slightly

When your fetus suddenly moves only a little, or even does not move at all, you need to pay special attention. These conditions are signs of fetal distress. Fetal distress occurs because the fetus does not get enough oxygen so that it can threaten the safety of the fetus.

Count the number of times the baby kicks you in about 2 hours. If the baby kicks less than 10 times, then you should immediately check the womb to the doctor.

  •     Vaginal bleeding

Bleeding in the vagina during pregnancy can indicate a variety of things. However, if you experience heavy bleeding, severe abdominal pain, cramps, or nearly fainting during the first trimester, these conditions can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb).

In addition, heavy bleeding with cramps can also indicate a miscarriage, if it occurs in the first trimester or early second trimester of pregnancy. Meanwhile, if bleeding with abdominal pain occurs in the third trimester, the condition can indicate placental abruption (detachment of the placenta from the uterine lining). Therefore, you should consult a gynecologist if you experience bleeding during pregnancy.

  •     Headaches and vision problems

If during pregnancy you experience severe headaches that last more than two hours or three hours, then accompanied by vision problems, the condition can indicate the occurrence of preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a serious condition due to hypertension in pregnancy. This condition can cause placental abruption, eclampsia, organ failure, and inhibit fetal growth. Preeclampsia usually occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy and needs immediate medical attention.

  •     Fluid out of the vagina suddenly

If you discharge from the vagina before 37 weeks of pregnancy, then it can be a sign of premature rupture of membranes. Amniotic fluid can be confused with vaginal discharge. To distinguish it, amniotic fluid flows out and cannot be held like urine comes out, and can seep into the underwear.

After the amniotic fluid ruptures, the baby has little protection against infection. Leave the hospital immediately to get further treatment.

  •     Pain under the stomach

Severe pain on one side or both of the lower abdomen is a sign of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, premature labor and placental abruption. However, to really make sure, you need to do further tests on the doctor.

  •     Fever

Fever is often regarded as trivial. However, if your fever and body temperature reach 39? or more, consult a doctor immediately.

These conditions can indicate you have an infection, and of course dangerous for your baby. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat infections.

  •     Swollen hands and feet

Swelling in the hands, feet, face and eyes often occurs late in pregnancy. In most cases, this condition is not an alarming thing.

However, if the swelling is severe, or appears suddenly in conjunction with headaches and vision problems, a series of conditions can indicate the presence of preeclampsia.

  •     Nausea and vomiting continuously

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are common. However, if you experience severe nausea and vomiting that makes it difficult to eat and drink, this condition can indicate something serious.

You can become dehydrated, malnourished, and endanger your baby. When you experience severe nausea and vomiting, call your doctor immediately.

  •     Dizziness and fainting

Dizziness and fainting during pregnancy can indicate low blood pressure. This condition can cause you to fall, shock, and even damage the organs.

If you experience dizziness and fainting during pregnancy, see your doctor immediately.

  •     Frequent urination and painful

If pregnant women urinate frequently and feel painful when removing it, immediately consult a doctor because the condition is a sign of urinary tract infection.

Urinary tract infections can cause kidney infections, increase the risk of premature rupture of the membranes and premature birth.

  •      Itching on the whole body

Itching of the whole body is a signal that you are experiencing obstetric cholestasis. In obstetric cholestasis, leakage of bile comes from the liver which flows into the bloodstream.

The following leak can cause respiratory distress to the fetus in order to cause chronic fetal occurrence.

When experiencing symptoms of pregnancy danger like more than one of the above, you should immediately consult an obstetrician. The following signs must be immediately checked so that you achieve the right treatment.

In addition, run the percentage control regularly so that you are able to detect early on with problems with pregnancy.

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